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One thing about fishermen in general, is that we love accumulating fishing gear. The problem is, that often results in piles of unused equipment taking up boxes and shelves in the garage. So, do the surf fisherman in your life a favor, and get them something they’ll actually use! We can handle collecting all the useless stuff ourselves, so leave that to us.
All the items listed below are things I’ve been gifted in the past, I’ve purchased for myself, or that I know I’d like to have. While some of these surf fishing gifts are specific to an individual’s particular style of fishing, others are universal.
1. Boomerang Tool Cutters
For those anglers that use braided fishing lines on their surf reels, they know how much of a pain it can be to cut. The Boomerang Tool, pictured above, is the absolute best tool for the job that I’ve run across. Best of all, the’re pretty cheap, and they hold up pretty well in a saltwater environment. ($12-$13)
2. Fish Grip

I really like including a plastic fish grip tool in my surf fishing gear, as it helps control certain species of fish for photos and such. The original plastic Fish Grip from thefishgrip.net is U.S.A. made, it’s strong, and they’re impervious to saltwater. Fish grips are a good cheap gift idea for surfcasters. ($15)
3. Fishing Pliers
All fishermen need pliers for removing and bending hooks. I’m partial to the modern style of fishing pliers that include a carbide cutter. There is a broad range of prices for fishing pliers, so I won’t recommend a specific set. If you search for “fishing pliers”, there will be plenty of options to choose from. ($10-$60)
I have a breakdown of 2 of the most popular sets of fishing pliers on Amazon here – KastKing vs Piscifun Fishing Pliers
4. Aluminum Sand Spike

Aluminum sand spikes are a nice step up from pvc sand spikes. If the surf angler in your life currently uses plastic rod holders, he’d likely appreciate the upgrade.
The Fish-N-Mate sand spike, pictured above, is one of the most reputable aluminum rod holders on the market. It’s also been around quite a while. Problem is, they seem to go in and out of stock on Amazon. Maybe you’ll get lucky. If not, other retailers do carry it. You can always purchase a Fish-N-Mate, or something very similar, from a local tackle shop near the beach. ($35-$60)
5. Yeti Tumbler
Who doesn’t love a hot cup of coffee for the morning drive to the beach. I honestly held off spending money on such premium branded items for a long time. Finally I was gifted a Yeti tumbler, and that thing is awesome. If you have a $30 budget then it’s hard to go wrong with a premium coffee mug, like a Yeti. ($30)
6. Rapala Scissors

This may be the cheapest item on the list, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. I’ve purchased several pairs of Rapala super line scissors over the years, and they always seem to hold up well. These Rapala’s cut braided fishing lines almost as well as the Boomerang tool listed at the top.
Fishing scissors are nice because they can serve double duty to cut up baits as well. Academy Sports used to sell these for $3, so try to purchase them somewhere locally to get the best price. ($3-$10)
7. Fishbites
Fishbites are a type of artificial bait that works really well for all sorts of surf species. They serve me well as a great backup bait for pompano, whiting and redfish. I always have a pack with me when surf fishing.
Fishbites are a great cheap gift idea that’ll definitely get used. Check them out at fishbites.com. My 2 favorites are the pink shrimp flavor, and the orange sand flea flavor.
Your best prices are going to be at a Walmart near the beach, but Amazon also sells them. ($6-$9)
8. Beach Cart
* Click image above to view prices on Amazon
A beach cart is a big spender gift, but it’s worth it. Assuming you have a way to actually transport one, a surf cart would be an amazing present for a surf fisherman.
For those anglers fishing on beaches with hard packed sand, a beach cart, similar to above, but with “normal” black pneumatic tires will do just fine. However, the powdery sand beaches along the Alabama and Florida Gulf Coast call for a tire upgrade.
When using a surf cart in really soft sand, you either want the orange tires, shown above, or you want the gray Wheeleez balloon tires. Wheeleez tires are very expensive, but they are well worth it if you can afford them. Carts are available with Wheeleez tires already included, or you can buy kits to add them to existing carts.
The Fish-n-mate cart with the orange poly tires, linked above, is a great cart that’s very popular along Florida beaches.
9. Neck Gaiter, Or Fishing Face masks
Neck gaiters may take a little getting used to, but the benefits for surf fishermen are significant. When the sun is beating down on you at the beach, it’s nice to have the option of pulling some UV protection over your neck and ears to get some immediate relief. You can even pour water over a gaiter before sliding it on, which is oh so refreshing on a hot day! Face masks can also help knock the chill off your neck on cool mornings.
10. Backpack Cooler, Or Cooler Bag
Without a beach cart, it’s difficult to keep fish on the beach. Two good solutions to that dilemma are, a soft sided cooler bag, pictured above, or a cooler backpack.
Cooler bags and backpacks are less cumbersome to transport across the sand than hard sided coolers.
On the expensive end, you could go with something like a Yeti Hopper Backflip. In the middle you have the Ice Mule, which would be my pick. On the low end, you could get something like a Coleman soft backpack cooler. Any of these 3 options should do fine for keeping most eating sized fish on the beach. However, really large fish are going to require something more, such as a surf cart with a large cooler.
11. Backpack Chair
If a surf fisherman doesn’t already carry something on their back, such as a tackle bag or a cooler, then a backpack chair is a great gift. Tommy Bahama makes several quality backpack chairs.
Many models of backpack beach chairs also include a cooler pocket built in. So, your backpack chair can sometimes double as your drink cooler.
12. Sandflea Rake
Before purchasing a sandflea rake for someone, you’d need to know a little more about what species of fish they actually pursue. If they fish for pompano and whiting, and don’t already have one, then a nice sand flea rake is a great gift.
Rakes can be purchase locally at tackle shops near the beach, or from many online retailers. I’m partial to the Fish-N-Mate brand of rakes, but there are also other good options out there. ($40-$80)
13. Gift Cards
The old fallback option is always the gift card. While they’re boring and unimaginative, most anglers do like them, and will definitely use them. Academy sports is the best option. Bass Pro is OK too.
14. Surf Fishing Books

If your giftee is a reader, there are some great surf fishing books available on Amazon. My favorite, so far, is the one pictured in the middle above – The Complete Guide To SurfCasting by Joe Cermele. There are even surf fishing books related to specific regions, such as North Carolina, the Gulf Coast, and the Northeast. No matter where you are from, you can likely find a title that hits close to home.
15. Pocket Guides
There are various pocket guides available for knots, saltwater fish, and other miscellaneous fishing related things. These make great cheap gifts that actually get used. ($5-$15)
16. Fish Poster
Framing a fish poster for the type of fishing your angler is interested in makes a really nice gift. Such a framed poster makes a great man room addition.
I used a cheap poster frame from Walmart to mount a fish poster that I was gifted. I love it and I reference it all the time. ($10-$25 plus frame, if desired)
17. Bait Knife
A good bait knife is very handy on the beach. I like to have a good cheap serrated fixed blade knife for slicing up ladyfish, and other sizable fish for cut bait. I use a Dexter Outdoor utility knife because it’s sharp, cheap, and corrosion resistant. ($15)
18. Rechargeable Spotlight
For those who fish after dark, a rechargeable spotlight is invaluable. These days modern battery technology, combined with led bulbs, provide bright rechargeable lights in a lightweight package. Modern rechargeable spotlights are ideal for nighttime fishing ventures. ($50-$105)
2 Good Rechargeable Spotlights
- Stanley Fatmax SL10LEDS Rechargeable 2200 Lumen Lithium Ion LED Spotlight
- Streamlight 44910 Waypoint 1000-Lumens Spotlight with 120-Volt AC Charger
19. Headlamp
A nice headlamp is very useful, even if you don’t fish at night. When preparing your gear during the early morning hours, it’s much easier when both hands are free. High quality head lamps are very cheap these days. I like to keep one in every vehicle that I own, as they are handy for many non-fishing tasks as well. ($10-$30)
20. 12 Pack
Most anglers that I know like to knock a few back now and again. If that’s your giftee, then it’s hard to go wrong with a 12 pack of their favorite. Well, just go ahead and make it an even case of 24. ($10-$20)
21. Balls Deep Sinkers
These lead sinkers are fashioned into a rather comedic and inappropriate design for an otherwise normal lead weight. They aren’t necessarily my taste, but I’ll admit that they are funny.
If inappropriate items are an acceptable option for you, then these are something that a fisherman can actually use. They probably won’t, but they technically could. A set of these in your tackle box can provide smiles for years. I’m not going to post a pic, so you’ll have to Google it yourself. WARNING: Don’t Google it at work!!! ($15-$20)
Most any beach fisherman should like most of the items listed here. When in doubt, stick to the boring ol’ reliable gift card, or cash, of course.
Good Luck
Augustus Clay