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The best scale for a crappie fisherman is the Rapala 50 Pound Digital Scale. While 50 pounds is obviously overkill for weighing crappie, this is an accurate and proven fish scale that adequately handles the lower weights of such a small fish.
I have a lot of first hand experience with this particular scale, and even recently ordered a second one. The last Rapala I ordered 8 years ago is still working and weighing accurately. Check out my detailed personal account of this scale below, along with another option you may be interested in considering, particularly if you are a tournament fisherman.
Why You Need A Scale To Weigh Crappie
Most crappie anglers release their catch to the grease, and any culls that are actually tossed back are generally based on length, not weight. So, why would you even want a scale anyway? For me, having a scale is for weighing only those largest crappie I pull aboard. I’m constantly in pursuit of the ever-elusive 3 pound crappie. When I catch a big girl I want to know what they weight right then and there. I certainly don’t want to wait until I get back to the house to weight a huge fish – I just can’t do it.
Best Scale For Weighing Crappie
* Click image above to view prices on Amazon
If you’re not a tournament fisherman, I believe the Rapala digital scale is the best value scale for weighing crappie. It’s affordable, gives accurate weights, is simple to use, and is very durable. It has a beautifully simple design with a single button operation. The one button handles On/Off as well as the “tare” function, which is what zero’s out the weight. It will also toggle between lb. and kg. if needed.
The tare function allows you to add a bucket, a bag, or something to the scale, then zero that extra weight out so that you can weigh things by putting them inside the bag or bucket.
Some people claim to have difficulty in getting the scale off of the kg. setting and back onto the lb. setting when it accidently gets changed. I honestly have no idea what they mean. It’s a single button and is extremely easy to change. When you turn it on, simply tap the button again to toggle between lb. and kg. I personally have never had an issue toggling between the 2 measurements.
My Personal Account Of The Rapala Scale
I’ve personally owned one of these for the least 8 years. I know this because I recently ordered a 2nd one and my Amazon history tells me that I last ordered this exact item 8 years ago.
Before re-ordering another one, I pulled the old Rapala out of my boat which is under a shed, but still somewhat exposed to the elements. To my dismay I had left the Rapala scale in a small bucket on the floor of my boat. Not a good idea as all scales are susceptible to moisture damage. I flipped it over and saw moisture all over the bottom by the battery compartment, as seen below.

After being exposed to moisture around the battery compartment for no telling how long, I figured that surely it would be dead. Nope, to my surprise, it still came on and registered relatively accurate weights compared to my kitchen scale. Needless to say, I’m impressed with this particular model.
Perhaps there are other good scales on the market, but I’m cheap, and I like to spend my hard earned cash on something that at least has a chance to last. To be clear, there is NO RUBBER GASKET around the battery compartment, so the Rapala is definitely not “water proof”.
This scale keeps going and going for me, and that’s the reason I purchased a 2nd one. This scale is simple to use, even if you haven’t turned it on it a while. The operation is intuitive. I mean it only has 1 button for goodness sakes. More importantly than it’s simplicity and durability, is that it’s also accurate. I mean without accuracy, what is the point in owning one. With all that said, I’m not a tournament fisherman. If I were, I’d probably opt for the tourney scale, also discussed below.
- Known for it’s accuracy
- Durable
- Water resistant (however there is no o-ring to protect battery casing)
- Uses a common 9v battery
- Handles light weights of smaller fish such as crappie
- Very affordable
- As with most fish scales, it has a “tare” function to zero out the weight
- Turns itself off automatically to save the battery
- Extremely simple single-button functionality for quick measurements
- No culling option
- Does not have a backlight on the display
- Perhaps a little large in size considering the features of the scale (6.75″)
- Hook style. You will have to add a clamp if you want to go that route.
Best Scale For Tournament Crappie Anglers
* Click image above to view prices on Amazon
The best scale for tournament crappie anglers is the Rapala Touch Screen Tourney 15lb Scale. While potentially overly complex for the needs of your average crappie fisherman, it should suit a tournament crappie fisherman perfectly.
The Rapala Tournament Scale has all the features you would expect for a tournament worthy scale. It’s accurate, has included cull tags, the weighing clip is very strong, and it obviously has the ability to store multiple weights so that you can continually cull as needed. With these extra features comes extra complexity that I don’t think the average crappie angler wishes to deal with. To help you overcome the complexity, the instructions are included right on the storage bag, which is a nice feature.
As with any fish scale, you should not expect the Tournament Scale to be waterproof. Take care to protect it from the weather if you want to keep it working. There are lots and lots of complaints out there about moisture taking this scale out of commission, so be aware.
It has an extremely strong lip grip that will easily hold onto crappie while weighing. If you’re tired of jabbing a hook into a fish’s mouth that you intend to throw back, this is certainly an improvement. Be aware that you’ll need a strong hand and grip to open the gripper’s jaws, because they are indeed very powerful.
- Culling system allows saving and replacing 8 weights
- Included culling tags
- 15 lb. version accurately weighs smaller fish like crappie
- Shows total weight
- Replaces the need for a culling beam
- Very strong fish holding clamp
- Comfortable solid grip and good overall design to use
- Touch screen
- Not as water resistant as some other options
- Look around for a good price as it sells for varying prices
- Learning curve needed for the controls
- Can be difficult to read in bright sunlight
Fish Scale Tips
Perhaps you noticed that I didn’t add a manual scale to my list. The reason for that is that they are bad about rusting, not to mention they are harder to read. These days, I think a digital scale is the way to go. With that said, pretty much no digital scale is truly waterproof, regardless of what the manufacturer says. Therefore, you should take care to protect it from the elements, as you would most any electronics. You should also keep a spare set of batteries on hand for when the juice finally does run out.
Whether you’re a tournament crappie fisherman, a weekend angler or even a pond hopper, I recommend you get a fish scale to keep in your tackle box. You never know when you might hook into your personal best, or a state record even.
I have thrown back huge fish not truly knowing how big they really were. These unknowns still bother me till this day. How big was my largest bass ever – I really don’t know. It’s just a guess. Biggest crappie? Well I have a good idea, but I’m still not 100% sure. A scale answers those questions and gives you added drive to keep trying to top your personal best.
For me, weighing the big ones adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the pursuit of crappie fishing. There is a new personal best out there for me somewhere, and I’m still after it!
Happy Fishing!
Augustus Clay
If you found this article helpful, check out a few of my other crappie related articles on my site linked below.
Loop Knots For Crappie Jigs
Are Crappie Spooked By Hi-vis Line
Best Minnow Containers For Crappie Fishermen