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Finding a good gift for a fisherman can be a challenge, as most of us just go out and buy whatever lure, rod or reel that we desire. So, you might have to think outside the box a bit, in order to find something they don’t already own. With the exception of a couple of these items, I think I’ve done just that for you below. These are just a few great gift ideas that any crappie angler is sure to appreciate, most of which I personally own, and love. If anything, hopefully this list will spur your imagination, and help you find a good gift for your angler.
This is one case where it’s actually a good thing to buy someone a really “crappie” gift!
1. A Crappie Book

What better gift to give a fisherman who likes to read, or who likes to research the fish he pursues, than a book. As an already very experienced crappie angler, I purchased The Crappie Fishing Handbook, and I really enjoyed it. The book is filled with many colorful pictures, and loads of good information, some of which I had never encountered. It’s a good buy for both newbies and experienced fishermen alike.
2. Crappie Attractors
* Click image above to view prices on Amazon
These Bill Dance Porcupine Attractor Spheres make great gifts for crappie anglers. Most crappie fishermen I know have, at some point, sunk a Christmas tree, brush pile, or some other conglomeration, constructed out of PVC, in order to create their own private crappie hotspot. These spheres make building such a quality fish attractor very fast and super easy. Fish will quickly relate to their location, thus forming a secret honey hole in no time.
3. Fishing Pliers

Crappie fishermen benefit greatly from having ready access to a good pair of fishing pliers. Pliers will often be used to remove hooks from fish, bend hooks, and cut line, among other random tasks. You’ll find many options available for “fishing pliers” on Amazon and other retailers. The two shown above are the latest sets I’ve purchased, and I like them both. A good set of fishing pliers can be had for $20 – $60.
For more information about fishing pliers, I have a good article about that here – the best pliers for crappie fishermen.
4. Etsy “Crappie Gifts”
If you’re not familiar with Etsy, they’re a very reputable website focused primarily on unique handmade items. In recent years, they’ve branched out into other areas, such as print on demand t-shirts, and other mass produced items. Nevertheless, it’s still a great place to find unique gifts for specific genres. Just search their site for “crappie gifts”, and you’ll find plenty of great options, such as crappie themed signs, t-shirts, mugs, etc.
5. Electric Filet Knife
Every crappie angler needs an electric filet knife. I’m partial to the yellow and green Mister Twister Electric Fisherman. These don’t last forever, but I’ve found them to hold up about as good as any of the others.
Mister Twister knives are very affordable, and hold up to cleaning many limits of crappie before giving out. You’ll want to steer clear of Amazon for this purchase. Better prices can be had at Academy sports. Expect to pay around $20, but I’ve gotten them for as little as $15 on sale a couple of times.
6. Personalized Mug Or Ornament
If your angler has particular photos that they are fond of, those can be used to create unique and personal gifts. Perhaps there’s a photo from their childhood where they’re fishing with their dad. Or, maybe you have a photo of their largest catch.
Every year, I use photos of my kids to make personalized calendars, mugs, or Christmas ornaments for my wife. You can do the same for a crappie fisherman. I’ve used websites from both Walgreens and Snapfish for creating such items, but there are many other online retailers that offer this service. It’s easier to do than you might think.
7. Gift Cards
Gift cards are always a winner with anglers. It’s hard to go wrong with Academy Sports or Basspro. While they’re certainly not the most creative present, they definitely get used, and are always much appreciated. Gift cards are a good idea when you know someone is already saving up to purchase a larger gift such as a rod and reel.
8. SlabSauce
Slabsauce is one of the most well regarded scent attractants for crappie fishing. In fact, it was created by a collaborative effort from members of crappie.com. Slabsauce comes in a small, convenient spray bottle, and only costs about $5 plus shipping. You can find it on Amazon, PicoLures, Lakesidelures, and at crappiewear.com. This is an item that maybe not every crappie fisherman has tried yet, so it could make a good cheap gift.
($5 – $10)
9. Rechargeable Battery Pack
There are tons of battery pack options available these days. Gift your angler a good battery pack, and they’ll never again need to worry about their phone dying on the lake.
We use these rechargeable battery packs a lot of times at hunting camp, and never have issues with dead cell phones. Some are sized to fit into your pocket like a cell phone, while others are large enough to actually jump start a vehicle. These are a great gift ideas for outdoorsmen of any kind, and they’re more affordable than you might guess.
($20 – $200)
10. Yeti Tumbler

Fishing aside, a Yeti tumbler is a great all-around gift in general. If your angler is a coffee drinker, they’ll love having hot coffee for the ride to the lake. Even if they already own one, a 2nd Yeti is never a bad idea. Seems like mine is always in the dishwasher when I want to grab it and head out the door. If you have a budget around $30, a premium coffee mug, like the Yeti, is a great gift idea.
11. Boomerang Tool

The Boomerang Tool makes a great affordable gift for crappie anglers. These snips are basically a pair of tiny scissors formed into an extremely compact package, with a retractable lanyard. These snips work really good for cutting all sorts of fishing lines, and they allow you to get in really close to a jig to nip off the knot.
12. Digital Fish Scale
* Click image above to view prices on Amazon
We fishermen seem to have a habit of adding extra poundage when guessing a fish’s weight. With a good scale, or a 2nd scale for verification, there’s no need to keep wondering how big your largest slab actually is.
A good set of fish scales will oftentimes bring you back to reality when you think you’ve really caught a giant. More importantly though, when you actually do catch a giant, you’ll know exactly how much it really weighed. Then you have a higher target to aim for next time. I think this aspect of shooting for your next personal best brings an extra level of excitement to chasing slabs, especially for newer crappie anglers.
13. Premium Minnow Container
* Click image above to view prices on Amazon
A high end minnow container, such as the Engel Live Bait Cooler, makes a great gift if you have a strong budget. These are the best minnow “buckets” that I know of. The 13 quart version is the one you’ll want for a crappie fisherman. Engel’s are made with very high end components, and have a 5 year warranty. So, you can expect to have a little bit of sticker shock at first with the price.
I would steer away from rods, reels, and rod holders, unless you are very aware of the giftee’s wish list for those items. Those things are expensive, and very unique to an individual’s personal taste, so they don’t tend to make the best gifts.
Good Luck
Augustus Clay